Archive for June, 2009

In the Hills and Mountains of South Dakota

June 22, 2009

What a beauty it was to see God’s creation in the hills and mountains of South Dakota. Not only did the awesomeness of nature revealed the sovereignty of the Almighty but also the people God placed there as well. There I was willing and able to give an inspirational word from the LORD and yet they deposit more into me as Queen Sheba received from King Solomon.

Participating in the South Dakota Conference women retreat uplifted my belief that God is diverse, just as many places have made that known in the past. The women were wonderful. The hospitality and multiply spiritual gifts of the staff and participants were amazing as they presented the elegance of Christ.

Often times, God gives us moments to be reminded that he indeed wants to guide us. This includes stepping out from our comfort zones to do and think of things we have never done, such as traveling to South Dakota for the first time or revisit topics such as to ‘Be Still and Know that God will guide us with His own eyes’.

How captivating moments in life are as we reflect on God’s continuous molding, shaping, and twisting us to see Him in different angles, hearts, and places of the world He created. My foot is much better now, my walk has been enhanced, even my soul. This is the breakthrough of our spirit, mind and body.

View Pictures:
The Beauty of Hills and Mountains in South Dakota

Women Retreat

Placerville Camp, SD

Mt. Rushmore


God is seeking Singles with Children

June 21, 2009

Where are the single parents?! God is seeking singles with children to help build the Kingdom of God. For so long, single women with children have been rejected by the church. Many are yearning for God…yearning for understanding, love and redemption.

Spring, Inc. is here to provide spiritual support and create a sacred place for them to grow spritually. Join us!! ….

Laugh with Your Child

June 11, 2009

000_0234 2 As a single parent, I know that we are often overwhelmed with responsibilites. One of the moments I treasured most is laughing with my son. Although we have conflicts, as any two people would, I found he is so comical and says the funniest things at times. In coaching and couseling, I encourage many to find that one thing that makes them laugh with their child or children. Yes, there is pain and frustration in parenting alone. Yet, there is something that brings joy. Thank God for those moments of freshness and the Spirit of God breathe between the relationship.

Spiritual Life Coaching is offered to those who seek it at … Blessings!

Selected to Serve over 219 churches

June 7, 2009

Celebrate with me!!!!
I was selected as one of the women-in-ministry consultants in the United Church of Christ (UCC). As a consultant in this assignment, I will serve over 219 churches in my designated region consisting of ten states: Alabama, Florida, Georgia, Louisiana, Mississippi, North Carolina, South Carolina, Tennessee, Texas, and Virginia. I will be offering my gifts as a speaker, lecturer, and workshop and seminar presenter. In addition, I will also serve as a columnist publishing monthly articles in support of single parents. As a liaison and resource representative, I will provide spiritual support to more than 20,000 women.
.…To God Be the Glory!!!!!!!!!

Celebrate with me!! … To God Be the Glory!!!!!!!!!

God is with us…single parents!!

June 7, 2009

Often times, single parents are stereotyped as someone on welfare with their children going undisciplined and unparented. This is a faulty concept and to point to all single parents being that way. Because I reared my son alone, I will admit the responsibility is overwhelming. At times, we must learn to let some responsibilities take their own course. Again, not all single parents are passive to their tasks as parents.

In spite of our condition of existence, we must know that God is with us. No matter what people say or how they may judge us. God is still with us. One of the challenges for us is to learn how to balance and prioritize our responsibilities.

Listening to God’s instructions and the wisdom God provide to us through mentors and coaches have come in handy for me. Following those instructions has enabled much wealth to enjoy life journey. We must be mindful that it is not what people say about us, it is what God has already ordained for us if we follow God completely. I encourage everyone to listen and follow the voice of God….for God is with us!!